Please reach us at or call us on 01934384036 if you cannot find an answer to your question.
At PrimRose we are alot smaller than most of our competitors, we see this as an advantage as we can provide a more detailed service
The frequency of visits will depend on your individual needs and the care plan developed by our team. We offer flexible scheduling options to ensure that you receive the care you need, when you need it.
We understand that everybody has commitments and how routine is vital for certain clients, so yes you can specify which time and day's you will like us to visit. However, the more flexible you are the quicker your arrangement can usually be made. Once agreed we will aim to send our staff the same time and day every week.
At Primrose we offer 3 different payment methods. Direct Debit, Card or Bank transfer, you can swap between different methods of pay at any time. You will receive a invoice every 28 days along with a detailed invoice report
At PrimRose we value our staff building relationships with their clients. We always keep to a small team and try to send the same faces to all of our clients. Each client will be allocated a Key Home-Helper, depending on the package of care this Homehelper will prominently visit and in some cases be the only HomeHelper visiting.
At PrimRose it is a 28 day notice of cancellation, this is due to us being able to fill the gap which will be in our Rota. We understand that immediate notice can't be helped in some cases and some situations will void the notice entirely.
We are a North Somerset Approved service provider who work closely with the local council and Care Navigators.
We Provide a client phone number that is automated and will notify an on-call manager to return your call as soon as they can. We ask to send email's where you can for a faster response.